About Tom Pushpathadam
I'm a Canadian/American designer of South Asian origin currently based in San Diego.

My approach combines artistic and technical skills to find solutions for your business needs. Here's a bit about my background:
Design. I studied architecture a long time ago, but opportunities in computer graphics led to a 15-year career as a visual effects artist and animator for Hollywood movies. After seeing two companies I worked for go bankrupt in 2013, I shifted my focus to smaller, web-based projects. This change allowed me to work more closely with the business drivers making key decisions.
Some CodING. I code when necessary. My first WordPress job was an education in how badly an open-source solution can fall apart without regular maintenance. This experience made me a believer in a low-code approach for small businesses, knitting together multiple software services that include maintenance as part of the package.
Analytics. Websites aren't personal art projects carved in stone. Tracking where your potential customers come from and how they behave on your site can offer insights for course corrections and improvements. Think of it as checking your mirrors while driving.
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